You would think they could spell receive by now? The last time I went trhough there, on Friday, the casher chick ran my car and told me, I'm sorry it was declined. I have never heard those words in my life and my eyes almost popped out my head. I said "WHAT!!" There is plenty of money in there and I am sure there is $1.30. Clueless
At Monday, 18 September, 2006,
Atasha said…
You would think they could spell receive by now? The last time I went trhough there, on Friday, the casher chick ran my car and told me, I'm sorry it was declined. I have never heard those words in my life and my eyes almost popped out my head. I said "WHAT!!" There is plenty of money in there and I am sure there is $1.30. Clueless
At Monday, 18 September, 2006,
Atasha said…
Okay so I can't spell either, They're excused
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