Saturday, June 16, 2007

Potluck Dinners.

What are you thoughts on potluck dinners?
What are the worst experiences you've had at potlucks?
Are you leery of potlucks?
Does it freak you out when people reach all over the food?
Do you inspect the food and presentation before you put it on your plate?
Do you ask what the heck a dish is because it looks unrecognizable? Is that rude?
Just wondering!

Let's discuss.


  • At Friday, 15 June, 2007, Blogger Unknown said…

    Yeah, I usually steer away from those.

  • At Friday, 15 June, 2007, Blogger dc_speaks said… funny to be the name of my friday theme blogs.

    I don't do potluck dinners...ever!!

  • At Friday, 15 June, 2007, Blogger dc_speaks said…

    thanks for coming by today...feel free to come by anytime.

  • At Friday, 15 June, 2007, Blogger Horus said…

    I like potlucks because sometimes you get to try a bunch of stuff that you've never had before. I don't know why people are leery of them. I'm more leery of eating at restaurants than of potlucks.

  • At Saturday, 16 June, 2007, Blogger Sissy said…

    Potlucks are far too suspect for my tastes, I don't participate in them.

    I had a cat lady co-worker who always providing baked goods chock full of nasty cat hair. eewww.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, as you can tell I too am annoyed.

  • At Monday, 18 June, 2007, Blogger Adrianne said…

    I love potluck dinners however I eat way too much and then I feel like I am going to vomit. On the bright side I love the choices

  • At Monday, 18 June, 2007, Blogger Adrianne said…

    I love potluck dinners however I eat way too much and then I feel like I am going to vomit. On the bright side I love the choices

  • At Tuesday, 17 July, 2007, Blogger Lola Gets said…

    I like pot luck dinners, but I hardly ever attend any!

  • At Friday, 20 July, 2007, Blogger Atasha said…

    I have no bad experiences because I don't do them. Since I need to see your kitchen to trust your cooking that rules me eating potluck food out.

    Worse if they have pets...yuck..who knows what secret ingredients you may be eating.


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